Thursday, 17 April 2014

Teaching Plastering

The NAPL is full of resources for teaching plastering, visit our website,join and  become a member

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Do you teach or train plasterers

The NAPL   are looking for  members from both the UK and overseas

So if you are involved with teaching /training plasterers why dont you become  a member

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Publishers wake up and smell the coffee

Four years ago I wrote a book Columns Cornices and Curves  to accompany the level 3 Plastering Diploma, as the students on level 3 courses did not have any publications they could understand, the last publication being J.B Taylor Plastering.

Despite many attempts to get it published I resorted to self publishing, and since its launch it has sold all around the globe, obviously not recording the sales figures as a major publisher could achieve, but it shows that there is a market out there .This has come to light in the last couple of weeks with the eBook versions entering the top ten and now up to number 2 , so for any publisher reading this blog wake up smell the coffee and bring out a level 3 plastering book that the students can understand

ps I am available for a small fee, well not too small a fee as I only work part time now LOL

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Become an Associate Member of the NAPL Home of the Professional Plasterers

This scheme is aimed at the practicing plasterers who still work in the industry, and is  designed to ensure quality within the trade.

All associates members will  have to supply proof of training and references before being accepted as an associate member

Once accepted to the  associate scheme they  will be placed in the directory with a brief description of the type of work they undertake.

The associate membership 
 will be for twelve months during that time all associates  will be able to display the NAPL logo which is a sign of quality on their websites / Facebook page and paperwork

The cost of being an associate member will be £25 per annum

Benefits of association 
  • A personal associate certificate
  • The right to use the NAPL personalised logo on their websites and paperwork
  • Inclusion in the Directory of Associates published on the NAPL website
  • Direct links to your website or facebook page 
  • Increase traffic onto your website
  • Discounts offered to NAPL members

      For a application  form  please email

Thursday, 16 January 2014

The NAPL Home of the Professional Plasterers

We have now had over 56,000 unique visitors since the launch in August, and with companies like Speedskim and Tomp’s offering discount on their products, this website has become the number one website for the Plastering Trade
We are more than just a forum, in fact the forum has never taken off, but the facility is there for visitors to use.
We offer tool discounts, teaching rescore and much more. The mission statement of the website was to unite the professional plasterers from around the world, and you only have to look at the quality of the members of this website to understand why we have members from three continents and new members joining each week.
 The website has launched its own newspaper The Plastering Tutor, which in time will take off just like the website has, and with the backing of companies like Tomp’s behind us the only way is up.

So here is to an exciting year ahead of us 

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Out now the latest edition of

The Plastering Tutor

Sponsored by the NAPL home of the Professional Plasterers. Keeping you up to date with the Plastering Industry

The free on line weekly news magazine that will keep you up to date with the current news within the plastering industry, news sources come from British Gypsum, Knauf, Tarmac, and Construction news to mention but a few.

 The paper main sponsors are & 

 Please support us and subscribe for your free weekly news mag

                                Head line  

The ten most important buildings in England

Read online